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Tuesday, March 18, 2025
6:30 p.m.
Marion Oliver McCaw Hall Auditorium
Entry Charge

DISCOVER DANCE is the largest, most comprehensive program within PNB’s education offerings. DISCOVER DANCE provides high-quality, standards-based dance education and world-class professional dance resources to schools that otherwise offer little or no dance instruction.

DISCOVER DANCE provides students with opportunities to learn skills and processes needed to bring an original creative work to life. At each partner school, all classrooms and students from one grade level participate in a residency lasting an average of three months with instruction taking place during the school day. Mirroring professional artistic practices and using curriculum that blends creative movement and choreographic tools, students work as a class to create their own dance.

Additionally, partner classrooms attend live professional performances at Marion Oliver McCaw Hall, tour PNB’s studios and costume shop, observe and meet Company dancers, and perform their original choreography at McCaw Hall, PNB’s professional studios, and/or in school.

Each participating school is highly involved in planning and implementation of the program. Teachers are key in planning lessons that relate to classroom curriculum; principals and staff are instrumental in providing communication home to families and coordinating space and in-school opportunities for students. 

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Same Day Events Showing Events on March 18, 2025

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Seattle Center Sculpture Walk 2024-25

Free Event
Delight in 3 original temporary art installations on our campus through April of 2025.

Campus Sponsors