Welcome to Seattle Center

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A Waterfront for All graphic

Seattle Center is committed to ensuring Waterfront Park is a “Waterfront for All” – a safe, welcoming and
vibrant public space for everyone to enjoy.

Seattle Center serves as Seattle’s lead department for operations of Waterfront Park. Building on our work at the Seattle Center campus, we bring a holistic approach to public space management that aims to provide high-quality grounds-keeping, maintenance and public safety, and builds on our programming partnership with Friends of Waterfront Park.

This model is anchored by a dedicated staff team that is focused 100% on Waterfront Park, helping to ensure high quality experience. We work in close partnership Friends of Waterfront Park and the waterfront community, and adapt our service model as needs and conditions change.

Park Hours of Operation

Waterfront Park is open daily from 7am-10pm unless posted otherwise. The restroom will be opening in March with operational hours of 8a-7p.

Park Rules

The City’s established goal with Waterfront Park is to create a high-quality park experience for a diverse range of users, and to create a safe, welcoming and dynamic environment that supports a range of recreational, cultural and other programming to serve the public.

For detailed information about park rules, open the link below.

Open Park Rules

Maintenance Operations

Seattle Center provides daily maintenance of Waterfront Park and coordinates with other city departments when maintenance is required that falls within their jurisdiction.

For any Waterfront Park questions/comments/issues please submit a request (including maintenance)

Email: waterfrontpark@seattle.gov
Seattle Center Emergency Services Unit (ESU) employs a dedicated staff of uniformed security officers who regularly patrol Waterfront Park 24 hours a day by foot, bicycle and vehicle. They also provide first aid and respond to emergencies and visitor inquiries.

ESU coordinates closely with Seattle Police Department (SPD) personnel to ensure compliance with Waterfront Park rules of conduct. Additionally, ESU works to build relationships with community members and connect park goers with social services in partnership with REACH.
Open Free Speech Zone Map


Friends of Waterfront Park is the key nonprofit partner with Seattle Center managing Waterfront Park. A core promise of Friends of Waterfront Park is to activate and program Waterfront Park; to make this new public space meaningful to the community that lives here.

Campus Sponsors